If you get this message then the notebook is not located on OneDrive or has been manually copied to OneDrive.
Here are 4 options to solve the issue:
1. Did you manually move or save the *.One file to OneDrive or SharePoint?
If yes, you need to save the file locally and use the share option in OneNote to save the Notebook to OneDrive.
Here is how:
- Open the OneNote Notebook, then click on File> Share and then choose OneDrive or SharePoint.
- Click Move Notebook
2. Another options is to copy the Sections from the Original Notebook into a New Notebook:
- Open OneNote, then open the Original Notebook.
- Now create a new notebook (eg: My New Notebook)
- In the Original Notebook right-click a Section’s tab and select ‘Move or Copy…‘ from the context menu
- In the ‘Move or Copy Section‘ window, click on the ‘My New Notebook‘ to select the copy destination
- Do this with all sections
3. Option is to close all the notebooks in OneNote and open it in OneNote Online
- Click the Show Notebooks icon. In the list of notebooks, right-click on the notebook name you want to close.
- On the menu that appears, click Close This Notebook. Repeat the steps to close all the notebooks (Note: Before closing, please make sure the changes are synced successfully).
- Quit OneNote
- Now Sign in to OneDrive or OneDrive for business
- Open the notebook in OneNote online and click Open in OneNote.
- After re-opening the notebook, check if you can edit the notebook now.
4. Last option is in OneNote 2016 now called Desktop (It can be downloaded for free here: https://aka.ms/InstallOneNote ) open the Notebook:
- Then choose File > Export
- Now select from 1. Export Current: the “Notebook” option
- From 2. Select Format: the “OneNote Pachage (*.onepkg)” option
- After that click Export button to continue
- Select the destination path for storing the OneNote file
- Now open the OneNote “.onepkg” file.