OneNote Magic: Unveiling 26 Inspirations to Simplify Life & Work Smarter!

Why Use Templates?

  1. Templates get you started quickly
  2. They save time and reduce overwhelm
  3. They can be customized to fit individual needs and preferences
  4. They help you stay accountable, track progress, and you can adjust plans as needed

Below is a list of OneNote templates (Free & Pro) to get you fast-tracked.

Calendars & Planners for OneNote
Diary for OneNote
ChatGPT for OneNote
Fitness for OneNote
Vaction Organizer for OneNote
AddressBook for OneNote Logo 290
GTD for OneNote
DIY Projects for OneNote
myLife @ a Glance for OneNote
Personal Development for OneNote
  • Use OneNote as a tasks & project management tool
    OneNote is an ideal platform for project management with its collaboration features.Β  It’s perfect for creating to-do lists and as a visualization tool for all your tasks. We’ve created templates for all project management and adapted OneNote for a KanBan board.
  • Establish plans to achieve your professional goals
    Use OneNote to develop plans to improve your character, skills and capabilities which will maximize your potential. Here are some templates for Personal & Professional development.
  • Create your own encyclopedia powered by OneNote
    One of the most valuable things in the world is knowledge. Use OneNote to create your own knowledge hub. Here’s a Wiki Template we created.
  • Maximize time and achieve more with OneNote powered tools
    Here’s a collection of tools, to-do lists, planners and methodologies you can use in OneNote which will help you achieve all your tasks, goals and projects in a timely manner.
  • Unleash the power of AI for your projects
    Our Auscomp OneNote ChatGPT guide & templates is the ultimate productivity hack.

Here’s a list of OneNote templates to get you started & save you time

KanBan for OneNote
Projects for OneNote
Professional Development for OneNote
Company Wiki for OneNote
Productivity Maximizer for OneNote
ChatGPT for OneNote

Use these templates in your classroom to enhance OneNote Education

Teacher Planner for OneNote
KanBan for OneNote
Student Planner for OneNote
Knowledge is power
Productivity Maximizer for OneNote
  • Empower your team with a fully customizable team workspace powered by OneNote
    Here are OneNote Teams templates – everything a team needs to improve collaboration and productivity.
  • Use OneNote as a team tasks & project management tool
    OneNote is an ideal platform for project management with its collaboration features.Β  It’s perfect for creating to-do lists and as a visualization tool for all your tasks. We’ve created templates for all project management and adapted OneNote for a KanBan board.

Use these OneNote templates to empower your team

Teams for OneNote
KanBan for OneNote
Projects for OneNote
Productivity Maximizer for OneNote
  • If you’re a sole-trader, small company or non-profit you need a digital Information hub & workspace
    Use OneNote to centralize your company information so its easy to create, manage, organize, find, share and collaborate. We’ve created a whole Business Solution for OneNote, an Intranet powered by OneNote. Or use our business suiteΒ  which also includes a partner and client portal.
  • Use OneNote to promote your business and grow your sales.
    Marketing is for all business – big or small. Here’s a Marketing Essentials package powered by OneNote.
  • You can use OneNote to build a transparent company culture
    A company Wiki powered by OneNote is a one-stop knowledge center for knowledge sharing and answering the most common and pressing questions employees may have.
  • Create an online staff roster
    If you still sending excel rosters via email, here is a staff roster powered by OneNote.
  • Use OneNote to securely exchange information with your clients & partners
    Don’t use unsecure email to send sensitive information – use a secure client or partner portal powered by OneNote.

Here are OneNote templates which you can use for your day-to-day business

Business Suite
Your Intranet in a Box
Partner Portal
Client Portal
Staff Roster for OneNote
Marketing Essentials
Company Wiki for OneNote

All our templates Free & PRO are distributed in OneNote notebooks & instant delivered via email.

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Lifetime - All Access Pass

$499 $99 /One-time (USD)

Total Value: $499 – Your Price Today: $99

Instant delivery. Purchases are once off and include support.

Welcome to Templates for OneNote
